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Showing posts from February, 2015

Do you dread getting old?

I have recently enrolled in the course Design Thinking on Coursera. If you don't know the platform yet, I strongly recommend to pay it a visit if you're keen on learning. In the course, a case study of " the good kitchen " was presented. In short, it was about a malfunctioning food service for elderly people in Denmark which did a 180° turn after having engaged hatch&bloom, a company specialized in driven innovation and service design. Where the elderly people who made use of the service before were ashamed of having to do so, the meal delivery service is now something they actually enjoy. In the first week alone, the company managed to quintuple their subscriptions. After having finished the video lessons for this week, I went to facebook and saw this: I think, copy-pasting that thought is not enough. If we care about our parents and grandparents, wouldn't it be good to actually do something about that? Senior residences are really a dreadful plac...

Hospital visits

Today, we visited grandma in the hospital. She's been there for a few days now. It started out with a respiratory problem about two weeks ago which didn't really go away. I didn't understand what the real cause for being in the hospital was, but at least I know that her results did not show any serious infection or illness and when I was there, she could talk to me and even have a laugh. After having been there with her, we were talking about stays in hospitals and how important visitors are. Or rather, if being in a hospital should be a reason for visiting somebody. Obviously, it's nice to have visitors, especially when you're in a place you don't know and on top of that need to share with sickly or seriously ill people. It sure is not a very health-promoting environment, so having someone there who will distract you is appreciated. But I thought, would I appreciate seeing people I usually don't see or hear from, but who will only come in a special situ...