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Back to routine, baby!

Today is my second Sunday back home and it feels great to be back. Having moved to Madrid just this summer, I felt quite settled in November with my new life being ready to grow into routine. But instead of doing that, I detoured for a month and went to Thailand with my sister. Yes, report is coming up, but it'll take time as I'm not the best editor of videos.

But now I'm back and I can't wait to get into everything again.

Already, I had a really nice gettogether with Rubén's family, we spent the Spanish holiday "Día de Reyes" together. This used to be the day Spanish children would get presents which were brought to them by the three wise kings. Nowadays, both Christmas and Reyes are celebrated. More food, more presents, more time with the family. Apart from the presents, I'm all for it. We had a nice walk up the peña of Cenicientos and could enjoy a lovely view onto the village. 

I was lucky enough to find some new friends right in the summer we arrived. I have met some great girls that I hang out with. We have things in common and engange in loads of activities: play music and jam some nice Blues, dance swing, speak French or go to the theater. Or visit an art exhibition like that one about the stunning "painter of light" Sorolla. On Friday, I was at an all girls pijama party - if you accept that three year old boys count as neutral, that is. Talking about girl stuff and eating healthy food. Brilliant.
One of the reasons for leaving Barcelona was to do something about the loneliness I felt. That has changed now, I'm tellin' ya! I feel so happy that it's now not only me who calls up other people to do something - they're calling me! They want me to be part of their life and that is what really makes me feel like I belong here. 

I found a great band, Soultime. They play exactly the kind of music I love, but not only that, they're a bunch of great people, fun to hang out with. We're nine musicians and I think, once I'll have the repertoire down, it's going to be even better, because instead of thinking about whether I'm in tune, I will actually be able to enjoy the music and the company. That brings me to my Sunday evening program: review the recordings of our last rehearsal and practising my parts - I'm one of the background singers and on February 7th, we'll have a concert in Madrid. It's nice to be practising music for something. To have some purpose behind learning to distinguish intervals and being able to sing them. Being a background singer requires different things than being the front singer, and I'm all up for the challenge.

I'll write about my other new routines, too, eventually. For now, I'm going to bed, because tomorrow, I'll be working. Yet another thing that I enjoy. And I'm not being cynical. Maybe I'll write about that next time. Good night!


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